Windlake Elementary Celebrates Children’s Day (El Día Del Niño) with the Milwaukee Wave on Friday, May 4th April 24, 2018
Tenor High School wins Marquette University Law School’s Milwaukee Street Law Program Mock Trial Competition April 18, 2018
Door to the Legal System Opens for Seeds of Health’s Tenor and MC2 High School students on April 12th & April 13th, thanks to Marquette University Law School’s Milwaukee Street Law Program April 10, 2018
Seeds of Health, Inc. partners with International Union of Operating Engineers Local 420 to bring trades education program to its high school students March 28, 2018
Seeds of Health’s Tenor and MC2 High Schools selected for participation in Building Occupational Skills for Success (BOSS) pilot program Jan. 22, 2018
Vertias High School graduate Irma Quezada becomes first alumna of Alverno’s Girls’ Academy of Science & Mathematics to graduate Alverno College Jan. 17, 2018
Seeds of Health’s MC2, Tenor and Veritas High School students participate in the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee on-site admissions day Dec. 14, 2017