Happy Holidays and New Year Message from Executive Director My very best wishes to all the Seeds of Health families for a happy holiday season and a happy new year.
Veritas High School Awarded the 2015 Martin F. Stein Champion for Children Award Charter school recognized for its partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee and the mentor2.0 program
Tenor High School teacher receives Teacher of the Year Award Michelle Streed, English teacher at Tenor High School, has been awarded the 2015 Milwaukee Charter School Advocates’ High School Teacher of the Year Award.
Charters in Madison Day Teacher and student representatives from four Seeds of Health schools participated in Charters in Madison Day on March 18, 2015 at the State Capitol in Madison.
Milwaukee radio station spotlights Mentor2.0 Program at Veritas 88Nine Radio Milwaukee highlights Mentor2.0 Program at Veritas High School in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee.
Article highlights need for increase in public charter school funding Seeds of Health executive director co-authors article urging Madison lawmakers to increase funding to public charter schools.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Highlights Veritas's Mentor Program The newly implemented mentoring program at Veritas in partnership with Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee was featured in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on February 6, 2015.
Seeds of Health Schools Receive Top Ranking on State Report Card Seeds of Health and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee are pleased to announce that two of their charter schools, Tenor High School and Veritas High School, are at the top of the list of public high schools in the City of Milwaukee.
Seeds of Health Elementary included in study about successful Milwaukee schools The September 21, 2014 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel featured an article written by Alan Borsuk outlining the findings of a study which focused on the characteristics of successful schools.
Veritas High School and Seeds of Health Elementary are Wisconsin Schools of Recognition Both Veritas High School and Seeds of Health Elementary received the Wisconsin School of Recognition Award from the Department of Public Instruction for the 2014-2015 academic year.